New Year, New Hobby? Knitting provides a lot of health benefits!
Happy New Year from the farm! Hopefully it has started well for you. New Year is a perfect time to start a new hobby and focus on yourself. Knitting provides a lot of health benefits and it is very easily accessible as you can start it and do it anywhere and anytime you want!
Four health benefits of knitting:
1. Reduces stress and anxiety
2. Resembles meditation
3. Can boost your self confidence
4. Is beneficial for our cognitive skills
These heath benefits are explained in further details
here in Myssy blog! If you made a New Year's resolution to reduce screen time, is knitting a perfect way to get away from the smart devices. To make the starting or continuing of this great hobby as easy as possible we have gathered a small KnitKit Guide just for you.
Knitting for the first time or after a long break

Super Easy KnitKitsThese KnitKits are perfect choice if you want to recall the basics of knitting or you are knitting for first time ever! Most of these are also very fast to knit so you are able to enjoy the results (and start a new project) very quickly.
When you are feeling a bit more confident
Easy KnitKits
These KnitKits are still great for the beginners but they offer a bit more variation for the knitting process.
It's time to knit the first sweater

Knitwear KnitKitsKnitting a sweater is considered many times a difficult task but it really is not that hard, trust us!
Lato sweater is most popular and easiest sweater you can find.
Farmester sweater is easy to knit even with its beautiful basket weave pattern. The only challenge in
Kuohu sweater comes from the combination of thin yarn and big needles but you will get used to it quickly.
Tähkä Cardigan is perfect for a person who has knitted for a while already.
If these didn't seem like your knitting project make sure you check out all our KnitKits here!