It’s time for some leisure! We welcome you to Pöytyä, our universe. Here the fields are our golden sea, green pastures follow the river valley, sunset by the lake are magical, forests full of berries - and the market square full of knitting grannies. The hot season onlys starts when the frost arrives. Super casual or truly magical?
Pöytyä Getaway offers you an escape. Recognizing the importance of leisure for your mental health, creativity and problem solving is crucial, especially in these turbulent times. No matter how hard the pressure is, you must remember to also enjoy life. Relax by knitting or exploring nature. Join us for the Myssy experience!
Our new hand-knitted and hand-brushed collections showcase the power of the local community, all locally produced. Here we stand proud and united after all that struggle. Join us for the new hot season of Myssy!