Myssyfarmi is a farm-based design company from Pöytyä, Finland. Our every Myssy is knitted by a real Myssy Grandma in Pöytyä. We get our unique hand-dyed yarn from a local herd of Finnsheep. Everything is organic and original in our farm and nothing is cool in Pöytyä. Except when winter hits these parts. For us it's important that our products are 100 % manufactured in Finland and the production chain is completely transparent. Our goal is to create more well-being around us: The Grannies we employ get something meaningful to do and the Finnish wool is used instead of discarded as waste.
By choosing Myssy, you can also communicate values that are important to your company.
All of our garments are made from Finnsheep wool, produced in conjunction with our responsible partners. Similar in softness to Merino, the fiber's overlapping scales point inward making the yarn particularly soft, and in our opinion, there is no finer wool in the world!
You can also directly contact Anna, our CEO. She will help you to find the best solution to support your company values.
Anna Rauhansuu
Emäntä, CEO
+358 44 570 4022