Our first equity crowdfunding campaign is here. This might as well be the first ever farm-based crowdfunding campaign in Finland. Our campaign had a great take off today and now you have the chance to join our story!

Here at the farm we think there is something truly unique in our business model. The greater our concept grows, the more well-being we are able to create. The bigger we grow, the more grannies we can employ. There is a huge waiting list of Grannies, who would love to knit for us. And the larger the business, the more sheep farms we can pay a fair price for the Finnish wool that would otherwise end up being burned or dumped into the woods as waste.

We have walked a long path from the mountains of Davos from January 2006 as Janne knit the first ever Myssy. The long story includes returning to our roots to Pöytyä in 2008, discovering the magnificent qualities of Finnish wool, hiring a few family friends as the first Myssy Grannies and starting the international journey again in the Berlin Fashion week in 2016. Now Myssys are sold in 16 countries and Grannies have flown to Japan to knit. Here we sit now in the new headquaters and prepare for the busiest week of the webshop. Yet, we are now ready to take the next steps, the concept is ready to grow. We are ready to scale the Grannies and change the game at the Finnish wool market.

Read more about the campaign!

Myssy x Friend, who invests in us?

For us it does matter, who invests in us. There is a whole bunch of sheep farms, who have invested, because they believe we will change the game. Those have invested, who love fashion. And who love our cheerful Grannies, or course! And the Pöytyä people, who want us to continue the story of the Myssy capital of the world. If you as well believe in what we do and who we are, you can now invest and join our story.

All those Myssy Friends that invest in us will also receive an owner discount code and change to order their myssy with a special Myssy X Friend logo. For larger investments we have reserved a Limited Edition Myssy X Friend hat.

What is crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding an umbrella term that refers to a modern way of funding businesses online by means of a public funding campaign. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing, which refers to obtaining services, ideas or content from the online community. Therefore a significant feature of crowdfunding is its ability to build a brand community and open up the future plans of a company.

At the core of crowdfunding are three defining aspects: Investments come from large numbers of investors,hence the ‘crowd’, the average investment is relatively low and the investments and fundraising campaigns take place online.

There are many forms of crowdfunding, but in our case it is investment crowdfunding. In exchange for the money given investors get shares of the company, Equity crowdfunding campaigns are investments: they carry a risk of losing the invested capital while also having the potential to make a profit..

If you have any questions about the campaing, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

CEO Anna Rauhansuu +358445704022
Sales Director Hanna Jauhiainen / +358440 317487

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