This Friday 29th we will celebrate the fifth annual Black Sheep Day. What is this BLACK day all about? Well, let us start by telling that by buying a Myssy product you create wellbeing instead of overconsumption.
Discrimination of Black Sheep results in a lack of black wool
Due to the discrimination of black sheep, we are desperately missing black wool from our yarns as the white sheep are dominating the sheep farms. On this day we celebrate all the black sheep - all the misfits. It is also the most important commercial day at the farm as we have the season sale on the webshop.
The two faces of Black Friday
Black Friday has a bad reputation as a crazy consumer carnival: people buy loads of things on sale that they don't actually need. But buying cheap things and sheep things are two totally different issues. In the end, Black Friday is just another sale. If you buy what you need, there is nothing wrong with it.
Black Friday has also become a major day of image polishing. The less truly ethical the brand, the bigger the campaign of not-being-part-of-black-Friday. If you produce fast fashion in Asia, in November it is too late to close your shop for a day. The Earth Overshoot Day was already in May this year.
Being responsible 365 days a year, also this Friday
Ethical fashion has the same principles as any fashion business. People prefer to buy their goods on sale regardless of how they are made. There is nothing unethical about an ethical brand doing a sale. The margins are lower, but the volume is greater.
But when you produce 365 days a year ethical, ecological and long-lasting fashion, it is ok to sell it 365 days a year. For us Black Sheep day is a green day: by buying a Myssy hat you employ Finnish grannies and Finnish spinning mills. And you guarantee a fair compensation of wool for the Finnish sheep farms.
So let's celebrate the Black Sheep!