ReSell. ReWear. ReMyssy.

Every Myssy is an individual and sometimes it happens that you have given a loving home to a Myssy that doesn’t actually fit you. Then it’s time to let it go and give Myssy a new life in daily use. Selling your Myssy has never been this easy: Ninyes will take care of it all and you will get the payment as a gift card right away as the product arrives to Ninyes. This second hand service does not provide you with worn fast fashion or overpriced brand clothing that still has tags on, Ninyes has specialized in sustainable fashion only.

ReMyssy with Ninyes

Our recycling partner is Finnish company Ninyes, Europe’s first and only marketplace for used, responsibly produced clothes. At Ninyes you can also find the best, curated Myssy second hand collection.

Lifetime Warranty never ends

We give all our Myssys a lifetime warranty and this warranty applies to all products excluding KnitKit ones. So when you purchase used product know as ReMyssy, you can be certain it has a bright future ahead!

Can old be better than new? We claim yes.

Most Myssy Friends develop a very personal relationship with their Myssy and that Myssy is not for sale. Each team member of ours has very personal relationship with at least one Myssy that has special spirit in it. Try to make Janne use a new Myssy in new color, it doesn’t happen unless his old one is hidden for a month. The magic in Myssy is that in a few weeks of use it will take the shape of your head and fit like a glove. Breaking in a new Myssy is challenge that first makes you think you are having a random tight beanie on - but the result is a perfect fit .

The best thing about buying a ReMyssy is that someone else already did all the hard work and now you can enjoy the washed and soft product that will easily start to fit you. Old is some much better than new, it already has a character and story to tell.

Recycle your Myssy's with these instructions!

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