Once more it is time to say thank you for those thousands of new and old Myssy Friends that got us through the worst turbulence. The attention our Save the Myssy campaign got in the press and social media certainly took us by surprise and showed the strength of our Myssy community. Our work has a purpose and that purpose matters to you. Numerous comments told us that we must not give up. Our campaign encouraged others in the same situation to be brave and ask for help.

We made it through the worst and the story of Myssy will continue stronger than ever. This summer you might not only put a Myssy hat on your head, but put some Myssy pants on. Exciting things are coming up! Well, there is nothing cool about them, they are knitted by Grannies. Perhaps that is why once again we got numerous new international retailers next autumn. 

Well, the world is still in a turbulence and we are in search financing the growth, but we will make it! There is still plenty of stock left and old collections are now in Save the Myssy Outlet 50% off. Remember to support your local! #savethemyssy

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