Fashion Revolution Week is dedicated to create a better fashion industry. It centres around the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on 24th of April 2013. The campaign encourages consumer to question the origin or their clothes and challenge companies to reveal their supply and production chains. The campaign will amplify unheard voices across the fashion industry.

Myssy friends can be assured about the transparency of our production. Everything in our production and supply chain is from Finland and traceable. This makes us an exceptional clothing brand, and few can do the same.

Pictures from Rintala, Sipilä, Tolvila ja Yliristniemi Sheep Farms. 

Our wool is purchased directly from farms monitored by the Finnish officials and we can name each and every farm we collaborate with. We pay sheep farms a fair price for their work and by doing this we have set a new price standard to the domestic wool market. The demand of domestic wool has increased drastically in recent years. We are really proud of our work and the Finnish wool boom. We have also our own program for Myssy wool contractors.


Pictures from Pirtti and Virtain Villa Spinning Mills ja Myssyfarmi dyeing kitchen.

The wool is washed and spun in the few spinning mills left in Finland. The spinning mills employ an increasing number of people and continue to maintain this traditional industry. Our yarns are hand-dyed here at our farm.

MyssymummotPictured here are Myssy Grannies Tea, Sinikka ja Aino.

And of course there are the Myssy Grannies who hand-knit all of our products. Through our Myssy community, grannies are able to get new experiences as well as make new friends. And with the money earned from making Myssy garments, our Grannies have been able to explore a host of new opportunities including traveling abroad for the very first time. Each granny will hand-sign the products they make and you have the chance to learn more about our grannies on our website. 

The products and packed and shipped at our headquarters in Pöytyä, and they are delivered around the world with Finnish Post Office, Matkahuolto and DHL.

P.S. Increasingly our products are also bought as a DIY Kit so anyone can make their own Myssy. This way you can proudly raise your own "I made my clothes" sign!

Read more about our production!

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