Hi Tupu,
I am Colombian and as my husband is Swedish we use to spend the summer in Sweden, but this year our visit has been extended and the fall arrived… for me it is cold, so few days ago we bought some warm and waterproof garments, including a Beanie you made.
I found the myssy’ web and just wanted to thank you for such a good job and be sure you are aware of the impact of what you do and how it improve quality of life for others.
I love knitting, but I am far from the perfection you made, that also help me to appreciate more my hand made beannie.
Thank you so much!
April 02, 2023
Kiitos Tupu maailman kauneimmasta, lämpimästä puolukka villapaidasta josta tulikin kevään lempipaitani niin sisällä kuin ulkonakin! ❤️