Oh Deer!* Shampoo Bar

10+ units in stock
This wild bar shampoo is made from the fat of local deers and the organic flowers collected form the organic fields of Isotupa farm. Suitable for bird watchers, most hair types. Adds some well needed volume to your hair.
* A phrase often hollered at Pöytyä when seeing 72 deers running in nature in one night.


Wet your hair and rub the shampoo bar either to your hands or directly to hair. Wash you hair regularly, let it lather and then rinse with plenty of water. The bar shampoo includes natural greases so that you won't need to use conditioner . At first the result may feel sticky, but in a few weeks your hair will get use to it. Give it a chance! 

INGREDIENTS: Olive oil/oliiviöljy/olivolja (sodium olivate), vesi/vatten (aqua), coconut oil/kookosrasva/kokosnöt olja (sodium cocoate), deer tallow/peuran rasva/rådjur talg (sodium tallowate), glyseroli/glycerol (glycerin), castor oil/risiiniöljy/ricinolja (sodium castorate), ho wood essential oil/ho-puun eteerinen öljy/ho-trä eterisk olja (Cinnamomum camphora linalooliferum wood oil)*linalool *limonene, labrador tea extract/suopursun lehtiuute/träsklövextrakt (rhododendron tomentosum leaf extrakt).*esiintyy luontaisesti eteerisissä öljyissä.

Aina Myssymummojen neulomaa

Tutustu Mummoihin

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Näin tuotteemme tehdään
This wild bar shampoo is made from the fat of local deers and the organic flowers collected form the organic fields of Isotupa farm. Suitable for bird watchers, most hair types. Adds some well needed volume to your hair. * A phrase often hollered at Pöytyä when seeing 72 deers running in nature in one night.

Wet your hair and rub the shampoo bar either to your hands or directly to hair. Wash you hair regularly, let it lather and then rinse with plenty of water. The bar shampoo includes natural greases so that you won't need to use conditioner . At first the result may feel sticky, but in a few weeks your hair will get use to it. Give it a chance! 

INGREDIENTS: Olive oil/oliiviöljy/olivolja (sodium olivate), vesi/vatten (aqua), coconut oil/kookosrasva/kokosnöt olja (sodium cocoate), deer tallow/peuran rasva/rådjur talg (sodium tallowate), glyseroli/glycerol (glycerin), castor oil/risiiniöljy/ricinolja (sodium castorate), ho wood essential oil/ho-puun eteerinen öljy/ho-trä eterisk olja (Cinnamomum camphora linalooliferum wood oil)*linalool *limonene, labrador tea extract/suopursun lehtiuute/träsklövextrakt (rhododendron tomentosum leaf extrakt).*esiintyy luontaisesti eteerisissä öljyissä.