Aurajoki SUP is a legendary excursion event that takes the adventurers along the Aura River from Aura to the center of Turku in our national landscape in the Aura River Valley.
This ticket includes:
Aurajoki SUP 3.8.2024, River Experience Aura-Turku 55 € including guidance, food, service car and insurance.You can provide your special diet in the order information and if you buy more tickets, then please add the other person's email address. We are still doing a survey of the need for a ride and diet closer to the event. If you have any questions, please contact
A schedule that never is true:
8:00 Departure Aura Center, Sisupuisto, Turuntie 2
10:00 Aura's KKO
10.40 Laukkaniitty, lunch
Trailer transport to the boards, walk 1,5km.
13.00 Nautela - break, café (at own expense)
14:00 We continue from below the rapids
15:45 Lieto KKO - a break in the waters
17:15 Vanhalinna - break and delicacies in a café
20.00 Halinen - break
21.15 Turku, Marina - Sauna and Safka (at own expense)
Find out more about the event here!