It's almost the last day of our Granny Calendar! Tomorrow is the day we celebrate Christmas, and hence it will be the last day of our Granny intros. But do not fret, grannies will be making appearances in our social media throughout the year. Today we introduc you Ritva, aka Ritu, from Aura!

Born in 1947, Ritu has has been knitting as a Myssy Granny since 2018. She learned knitting as a little girl at the age of 6 as she was able to attend the craft classes in school even though she hadn't started school yet. There she remembers knitting a lot and even finished making an apron once.

Ritu thinks the best thing about being a Myssy Granny is making friends and doing things with your hands. If Ritu isn't knitting, she is working on some other craft project or walking with her dog Lumihilla. She prefers to knit Muffis, but switching it up between the knitting projects can be refreshing - usually she makes about two or three beanies per day.

Before retirement, Ritu worked with kids and as caretaker for people with disabilities - this valuable job is actually carried out by several people in Ritu's family. As a life guide, Ritu summarizes: ′′Try to take everything that comes in life positively."

1 Response

Mohamadi Murkifahra

January 10, 2023

Kitos paljon pipo! Lämmittää sydäntä ja mieli myös. Jatkakaa samaan malliin ihana myssymummot! Teidän sivulla on hyvät grafiikat ja pelottava nun.

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