Marpi, originally from Eurajoki and born in 1946, currently resides in Tuiskula. She has been working as a Myssy Granny since 2021. Before her Myssy Granny career, she worked in a store, and later, she worked in the metal industry, where she worked as a machinist until retirement age. Marpi mentions that she learned knitting both at home and in school. She became enthusiastic about knitting when she started an internship at the store after school, where her co-worker was a skilled knitter who inspired Marpi to take up knitting as well.
In her free time, Marpi enjoys knitting, reading, solving crossword puzzles, and cycling to visit friends. She appreciates the freedom to do exactly what she wants with her time. As a life lesson, Marpi wants to share with you that not every day is good, but there is something good in every day. Her own motto goes like this: "After the rain, there is always fair weather."