Elina was born in 1956 in Turku, where she has lived for most of her life. However, since 2010, Elina has been living in Riihikoski, Pöytyä. She found her way to Pöytyä through her father, who is originally from Pöytyä.
Elina became a Myssy Granny in 2020. Before that, she worked in the restaurant industry and had been working in the field for the past 30 years, including on a ship. According to Elina, the best part of being a Myssy Granny is the sense of community and the joy of crafting. It's also nice to earn her own leisure fund by making Myssys.
Elina mentions that she spends her free time during the summer relaxing in a hammock and zipping around on her scooter. She also states that in retirement, all time is free time, and she enjoys life to the fullest. Elina's motto is: "This isn't so serious; live every day." She also sends greetings to Myssy friends, saying, "Enjoy your lovely Myssys, we'll knit more!"
1 Response
Raija Salonen
December 04, 2023
Hei Elina,
Olen 68 vuotias mummi joka kutoo lähinnä sukkia läheisille ja ystäville. Sain kutomasi Hile kypärämyssyn. Nyt sitä onkin tarvittu kun on ollut niin kylmä. Yritän nyt kutoa tämän mallin mukaan lapsenlapselleni samanlaisen, katsotaan onnistuuko.
Kiitos myssystä ja oikein tunnelmallista Joulun aikaa.
Raija Salonen
December 04, 2023
Hei Elina,
Olen 68 vuotias mummi joka kutoo lähinnä sukkia läheisille ja ystäville. Sain kutomasi Hile kypärämyssyn. Nyt sitä onkin tarvittu kun on ollut niin kylmä. Yritän nyt kutoa tämän mallin mukaan lapsenlapselleni samanlaisen, katsotaan onnistuuko.
Kiitos myssystä ja oikein tunnelmallista Joulun aikaa.