No matter which Myssy product you own, it is likely that Jaana has packed it and made sure all the details are in order. She is responsible for packing food and finalizing all the Myssy garments with incredible efficiency and care. Jaanuli also masters the art of hand dyeing yarn, and always delivers with the quality. 

Jaana is Janne’s sister and our first production employee. Sometimes the crazy ideas of her creative relatives cause her a headache, but having a degree in sewing sure helps - especially when the creative team has launched a new idea of a pompom hat and the execution needs to be created overnight. But whatever it takes to send a box of pom pom hats to Paris, Jaana will make sure it happens.

In her free time Jaanuli enjoys gardening, renovating her summer house by the lake or riding the motorbike with her husband. She is also superbly skilled in all kinds of crafts. It was no surprise she was the first from Myssy Team to finish the Lato Sweater. Also, Jaana always has time for our Grannies and customer service. 

But let's ask a few questions from Jaana!

What is your favorite Myssy?

I really like the Aura loop scarfs! My favourite beanie is a nude Farmester that has served be for years. 

Best team moment?

The best moments are usually finishing the packaging of big and busy campaigns. All the hats are ready in the boxes to meet their new owners around the world. Black Sheep Day and Christmas are the busiest periods, but we have always made it in time and that is a great success! 

Most incredible Myssy trip?

Having the Grannies knitting in Sokos Department store window in Helsinki for the first time is unforgettable. I was there with the Grannies, they made it to national news and the reactions of the people passing by were incredible.

What have you learned from the Grannies?

The best thing is that they are great to work with, always so nice! 

The must see place at Pöytyä?

The Engel Park of Kyösti Iitti is the greatest sight here, but in general the local nature and particularly lake Pyhäjärvi are astonishing to experience. 

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