Thursday April 14th 2019 dreams came true as Myssy won silver prize at Vuoden Huiput, Finland's most significant creative design competition. Our slogan and brand texts were awarded among with some really big Finnish brands and agencies.

“When you decide to go and conquer the fashion world from Pöytyä, it can not lead to anything but success. Honest, disarming and edged texts that build the brand powerfully”, stated the jury. For us this is to show the level of ambition we have in our work. Now we are one of the best in Finland, but the goal is to be the best.

The slogan “It’s not cool. It’s warm.” was designed by Petri Uusitalo and Erkki Mikola of Sold Oy. We want to thank Petri and Erkik for the brilliant work among with the whole team: Hanna, Maiju, Anna, Janne, Iryna, Jaana and the Grannies!

Read all the results:

For more information, see:

Anna Rauhansuu 0445704022/Myssyfarmi Oy
Petri Uusitalo 0500505424/Sold Oy

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